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Benefits of Vaccines Important to Prevent Disease Transmission

The most basic vaccine benefits are as a preventive measure for communicable diseases. Not only that, the benefits of vaccines are also the best defense and protection against infections and various serious diseases. A vaccine is a type of product or material used to produce the immune system from various types of diseases. This vaccine can contain biological products and parts of viruses or bacteria, or viruses or live bacteria that have been weakened. This is useful to stimulate the emergence of antibodies or immunity. Vaccination can be given in the form of injections, oral, or aerosol (inhaled substance).

Benefits of Vaccines for the Body

Here are some of the benefits of vaccines:
  • Prevents the spread of disease

  • Not only does it protect the body from serious diseases, giving the vaccine can also help prevent the spread of the disease. For example, cases of death in infants and children due to outbreaks of measles and pertussis (whooping cough) that had shocked the world, because at that time there were no vaccines for the two diseases.
  • Protect from the risk of death and disability

  • Vaccine has been proven to reduce the risk of various diseases that can cause death or disability. Some examples include the administration of smallpox vaccine at the age of children can help prevent them from getting smallpox later in life. Likewise with the administration of measles and rubella vaccines that can help reduce the risk of transmission of the virus from pregnant women to the fetus they are carrying and to newborn babies, drastically.
  • Save time and money

  • Giving vaccines is one of the cheapest health investments, because it is proven to be able to prevent and reduce morbidity, disability, and death due to an illness. Giving this vaccine can help someone avoid various diseases that can cause prolonged illness, which is not only detrimental in terms of financial but also time.

Types of Vaccinations that are Important for Children

Vaccination is one of the best ways for parents to protect their baby from a variety of serious diseases that are potentially dangerous to the risk of death. Vaccine or immunization provides protection for certain diseases according to the type of vaccine, including:
  • Hepatitis B vaccine to prevent the Hepatitis B virus that can attack and damage the liver and cause liver cancer.
  • Hepatitis A vaccine to prevent inflammation of the liver due to hepatitis A virus.
  • Polio vaccine to prevent polio virus attacks that can cause paralysis.
  • BCG vaccine to prevent pulmonary tuberculosis, glands, bones and inflammation of the brain that can cause death or disability.
  • DPT vaccine to prevent diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. Diphtheria can cause swelling and blockage of the airway, and remove toxins that can paralyze the heart muscle. Pertussis can cause severe airway infections. Tetanus germs release toxins that attack nerves in the muscles, so the muscles become stiff, difficult to move and breathe.
  • Measles vaccine is used to prevent measles which can cause severe pneumonia, diarrhea or attack the brain.
  • Hib and Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccines can prevent severe respiratory infections (pneumonia) and inflammation of the brain (meningitis).
  • Influenza vaccine can prevent severe influenza.
  • Typhoid vaccine can prevent severe typhoid fever.
  • MR vaccine can prevent Morbili (measles) and Rubella (German measles) disease.
  • Chickenpox vaccine (varicella) to prevent chickenpox.

Vaccine side effects

Giving vaccines to children can cause discomfort for them, such as the emergence of pain or rash on the skin in the area injected. In addition, there are also post-immunization reactions in the form of mild to high fever, swelling, redness, and the child becomes fussy. Generally, these symptoms will disappear in 3-4 days, although sometimes those that last longer. In this case, you can take simple steps such as giving a fever-reducing medication every 4 hours, compressing warm water, wearing thin clothing and not covered, more often giving milk, fruit juice or milk. If there is no improvement, or get worse immediately contact your doctor for further treatment. What needs to be stressed is the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the possible side effects. However, vaccination does not always prevent the disease, but can make the severity of the disease much lighter.


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