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Variety of Swollen Spleen Medication According to the Causes

Swollen spleen can be caused by various causes such as infection, liver disease, and cancer. Medication for swollen spleen and treatment is very dependent on the underlying disease. For example, for a swollen spleen caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics as a treatment. Spleen swelling or in medical terms called splenomegaly can be treated in various ways according to the cause. In addition to administering medication, splenic radiation therapy and splenic removal surgery (splenectomy) can be an option when swelling of the spleen has caused serious complications.

Causes of Swollen Spleen and Variety of Medication to Overcome It

Generally, the doctor will give a medicine for swollen spleen and other treatments after knowing the disease that causes the swelling. The diagnosis process is carried out through a series of physical examinations, blood tests, CT scans, and MRI. There are certain medical conditions that cause the swollen spleen, including:
  • Viral infections (mononucleosis, hepatitis), parasites (malaria and schistosomiasis), bacteria (tuberculosis, syphilis, and endocarditis), and abscesses.
  • Trauma or injury. For example due to an accident while exercising.
  • Cancer. For example leukemia, lymphoma, myeloproliferative neoplasm, and spread of cancer (metastasis) from other organs.
  • Cirrhosis and other diseases related to liver.
  • Various types of hemolytic anemia, which are conditions that cause the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Metabolic disorders, for example Gaucher's disease and Niemann-Pick.
  • There is pressure or blood clots in the blood vessels of the spleen or liver.
The following are remedies for swollen spleen and other treatments based on the underlying disease:
  • Swollen spleen medication caused by mononucleosis infection is given to relieve the pain that appears, which is a safe pain medication (ibuprofen or paracetamol), drink plenty of fluids and get enough rest.
  • Medication for swollen spleen caused by parasitic infections such as malaria also depends on several things, namely the type of parasite that causes it, the severity of symptoms, the location of malaria transmission, and the patient's condition. If the patient is pregnant, the treatment will be distinguished from patients who are not pregnant.
  • Swollen spleen caused by bacterial infections (syphilis and endocarditis) generally by giving antibiotics. For swollen spleen medications due to bacterial infections, doctors will give antibiotics in the form of injections such as penicillin.
  • Swollen spleen caused by leukemia or blood cancer must be treated by treating the underlying disease. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and stem cell transplantation can be recommended treatments for leukemia and lymphoma sufferers (Hodgkin's disease).
  • Spleen swelling caused by hemolytic anemia can be treated with blood transfusion treatment methods, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), corticosteroids, and surgical removal of the spleen or splenectomy. Immune-suppressing drugs, such as azathioprine and cyclophosphamide, can also be effective drugs for patients who do not improve with corticosteroid treatment or who cannot undergo surgery.
In addition, there are several other diseases that cause swelling of the spleen, namely polycythemia vera, macroglobulinemia, thrombocytemia, myelofibrosis, infections such as leishmaniasis and brucellosis. Swollen spleen can also be caused by tumors and cysts such as splenic abscesses, liver cirrhosis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, heart failure, connective tissue disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus and Felty's syndrome. And all treatment depends on the procedure for handling the underlying disease.

Spleen Removal Surgery

When splenomegaly has caused serious complications, no known cause, or even when the cause is known but cannot be cured by other means, then surgery is needed to remove the spleen or called splenectomy. Even though they can live actively and do normal activities, people who have had splenectomy will be at a higher risk of infection and can risk their lives. Taking antibiotics after surgery, as well as getting the vaccine before and after removal of the spleen can help reduce the risk of infection in patients who have had removal of the spleen organs. To prevent complications and worsen the condition, you should immediately consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of swollen spleen such as pain or fullness in the upper left abdomen, which can spread to the left shoulder. In addition, feeling full without cause or after consuming food in small portions is also a sign of swelling of the spleen that presses the stomach. Anemia, fatigue, frequent infections, and easy bleeding you also need to watch out for symptoms of swollen spleen. It is important for you to understand that the drug for swollen spleen all depends on the underlying disease. Therefore, it is also important for you to be aware of the symptoms so that a diagnosis is immediately obtained and given more intensive treatment by a doctor.


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