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Getting to Know Angiography and the Benefits of Performing This Procedure

Angiography is an examination of blood vessels using special contrast agents and utilizing X-rays. Angiography results will be called normal if blood flow to the heart is normal and there is no blockage. Angiography which usually takes about half to two hours is generally carried out in the hospital's radiology department using X-ray imaging. The short time of the examination makes the patient usually does not need to stay overnight and can go home the same day after completion.

Role and How the Process

Angiography needs to be done to check the following:
  • Detect whether there are disturbances in blood vessels, such as tears that affect blood flow.
  • Evaluate heart blood flow, especially in conditions of heart failure, narrowing of the heart arteries, and unspecified chest pain.
  • Finding out the source of bleeding in the body.
  • Knowing how bad atherosclerosis is in the heart's blood vessels.
  • Preparing for vascular disorders in the leg.
  • Check for certain conditions such as angina, blocked arteries or pulmonary embolism.
  • Detects brain aneurysms due to blockage of blood vessels.
  • Look at the number, condition, and location of the kidney arteries before a kidney transplant is held.
  • Detect blood flow patterns in tumors and see how many tumors are spread in the body.
However, angiography is not recommended for people who have a history of allergies with contrast agents, suffer from blood clotting disorders, kidney damage, have high blood pressure that is difficult to control, arrhythmias, anemia, and fever. Before undergoing an examination, the patient needs to know the details of the course of the examination, the risks that may arise, and the possibility of taking sedatives. Patients also need to inform their doctor or health worker if they are pregnant, taking strong drugs, or have an allergy to certain drugs. In addition, before undergoing this procedure, the doctor may ask the patient to undergo the following tests:
  • General health examination, including physical examination and blood test.
  • Medical history, including the presence or absence of allergies.
Before the examination, patients are required to not eat and drink (fasting) for 8 hours before the test, and get enough rest on the night before the examination. Angiography examination is usually done when the patient is conscious. However, general anesthesia can be given to children who undergo this procedure. Tranquilizers may be needed to relax. After the patient lies down, the doctor will administer local anesthesia and make small incisions in the arteries, usually the arteries near the wrist or groin. The catheter is then inserted into one artery, then directed to the area being examined. So that blood vessels can be seen, then a contrast agent is injected into the blood vessels before the examination begins so that the doctor can detect the presence or absence of interference. Occasionally angiography is done in conjunction with angioplasty, which involves inserting a small tube (catheter) to open the narrowing of the arteries. After the procedure is complete, the patient needs to lie down for several hours to prevent bleeding from the incision. Apart from rest, patients can eat and drink as soon as they feel ready. Drinking lots of water is needed to remove the coloring agent used for examination. Patients can resume their activities the next day, but need to avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for several days. Although generally safe, angiography risks causing such as low blood pressure, cardiac tamponade, injury to the heart arteries, irregular heartbeat, stroke, heart attack, kidney damage, and although relatively rare, allergic reactions. Therefore, the doctor who performs this procedure has anticipated and prepared all the equipment needed if these things occur.


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